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3D graphics, CAD courses

3D graphics, CAD coursesCatalogue

Details for courses 3D graphics, CAD courses will show upon clicking on course name:

  • Animácia a Vizualizácia v 3ds Max: Praktický Kurz
    > See
  • Autodesk Inventor - 2 - Pokročilé metódy modelovania dielov
    > See
  • Autodesk Inventor - 3 - Metódy tvorby komplexných modelov
    > See
  • Autodesk Inventor profesionál
    > See
  • Kurz IT Architekt, Projektant v programe SketchUp
    > See
  • IT Architect, Designer in AutoCAD
    The retraining course IT Architect, Designer in the AutoCAD program, is intended for those interested who want to find employment in fields where they will be required to have a comprehensive control of the AutoCAD program at a professional level. The course package consists of AutoCAD I, AutoCAD II and AutoCAD 3D. Only the beginning of the course is listed in the term, we will inform you about other dates.
    > See
  • AutoCAD
    The goal of the AutoCAD course is to sell participants the basic theoretical and practical knowledge needed to use AutoCAD. The participants of the AutoCAD course will learn the basic functions of the program and their application in the creation of technical documentation. The training also includes practical exercises to acquire skills.
    > See
  • AutoCAD II
    The AutoCAD II course is intended for more advanced AutoCAD users who want to increase their productivity and improve their performance in AutoCAD. The training also includes practical exercises to acquire these skills.
    > See
  • AutoCAD 3D
    The AutoCAD 3D course is intended for advanced users who control the creation of 2D objects and want to improve in 3D modeling.
    > See
  • SketchUp - V-ray visualization
    Participants of the SketchUp - V-ray visualization course will learn how to use the V-ray plugin for creating photorealistic images, which is integrated into the Sketch Up environment. V-ray is currently one of the most powerful visualization tools on the market. The quality of the visualizations is almost indistinguishable from reality, in addition, it is possible to create a unique atmosphere in the scene through special effects.
    > See
  • Autodesk Inventor
    Autodesk Inventor integrates 2D and 3D data into a single environment, creating a virtual representation of the final product that allows users to verify the shape, functionality, and function of the product before it is created. Autodesk Inventor includes powerful parametric tools for direct editing and free creation, as well as the ability to translate multiple chads and their standard DWG drawings. Inventor uses ShapeManager, Autodesks geometric modeling core. Autodesk Inventor competes directly with SolidWorks, Solid Edge, and Creo.
    > See
  • Autodesk Inventor - 1 - Úvod do parametrického modelovania
    > See
  • SketchUp - advanced modeling
    The SketchUP - advanced modeling course is intended for anyone who is interested in more complex 3D modeling, it is also suitable for interior design, architecture and construction.
    > See
  • AutoCAD Mechanical
    Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical is a powerful extension of standard AutoCAD design and 2D content management software with specialized features for the manufacturing, engineering, and mechanical design industries and companies involved in the digital prototyping workflow. The production of AutoCAD Mechanical CAD software allows customers to deliver projects up to 65% compared to 2D CAD software in a much shorter time frame than would be possible with a standard AutoCAD application, reducing project costs and increasing profitability.
    > See
  • SketchUp - basics of modeling
    The SketchUp - basics of modeling course is currently one of the most dynamically developing modeling, visualization and design tools on the market. It already has millions of users around the world, which it has gained mainly due to intuitive operation, after a few lessons you will be able to work independently, moreover, you do not have to remember a lot of commands and keyboard shortcuts. The application is really wide - architecture, design, construction, engineering and other areas. The SketchUp - basics of modeling course is intended for anyone who is interested in simple 3D modeling, it is also suitable for interior design, architecture and construction.
    > See
  • 3D STUDIO MAX - visualization
    The 3D STUDIO MAX - visualization course is intended for more advanced users of the 3D MAX program who want to learn how to work with lights, shadows and special effects.
    > See
  • 3D STUDIO MAX - modeling
    The 3D Studio Max course is a professional application for creating 3D graphics. It is used for modeling, animation and visualization of created models. It can be used to create photorealistic images and animations. It is widely used among people working in the field of architecture and for creating models of buildings and their visualization. It also provides high comfort when creating models for computer games.
    > See
  • 3D STUDIO MAX - animation
    3D Studio Max - animation course is a professional application for creating 3D graphics. It is used for modeling, animation and visualization of created models. It can be used to create photorealistic images and animations. It is widely used among people working in the field of architecture and for creating models of buildings and their visualization. It also provides high comfort when creating models for computer games.
    > See
  • DraftSight
    DraftSight is a freely shared 2D CAD editor that is suitable for creating professional CAD graphics. It is designed for industries such as architecture, interior design, construction, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. It works on very similar principles to the well-known AutoCAD, saves and opens drawings in dwg / dxf format and is fully compatible with AutoCAD. DraftSight includes a set of tools for drawing and modifying objects, creating layers, and dimensioning. It is also possible to set up a drawing for printing.
    > See
  • ProgeCAD Professional - advanced techniques
    ProgeCAD Professional is a state-of-the-art CAD software designed for 2D drawing and 3D modeling. It is designed for industries such as architecture, interior design, construction, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. ProgeCAD works on very similar principles to the well-known AutoCAD, saves and opens drawings in the dwg / dxf format and is fully compatible with AutoCAD. EasyArch automatically creates 3D objects from 2D elements on the principle of BIM modeling. It is possible to edit the 3D model as well as its 2D technical documentation by simple manipulation.
    > See
  • ProgeCAD Professional - Basics
    ProgeCAD Professional is a state-of-the-art CAD software designed for 2D drawing and 3D modeling. It is designed for industries such as architecture, interior design, construction, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. ProgeCAD works on very similar principles to the well-known AutoCAD, saves and opens drawings in the dwg / dxf format and is fully compatible with AutoCAD. EasyArch automatically creates 3D objects from 2D elements on the principle of BIM modeling. It is possible to edit the 3D model as well as its 2D technical documentation by simple manipulation.
    > See

Upcoming courses - guaranteed dates:

Autodesk Inventor profesionál
29.03.2025 - saturday Online course

Other listed dates in the following weeks:

IT Architect, Designer in AutoCAD
15.03.2025 - saturday Online course
SketchUp - V-ray visualization
15.03.2025 - saturday Online course
15.03.2025 - saturday Online course
SketchUp - V-ray visualization
17.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
Autodesk Inventor profesionál
20.03.2025 - thursday Bratislava
22.03.2025 - saturday Online course
SketchUp - V-ray visualization
24.03.2025 - monday Online course
SketchUp - basics of modeling
24.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
IT Architect, Designer in AutoCAD
24.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
24.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
24.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
SketchUp - advanced modeling
26.03.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Autodesk Inventor profesionál
26.03.2025 - wednesday Online course
AutoCAD 3D
29.03.2025 - saturday Online course
SketchUp - basics of modeling
05.04.2025 - saturday Online course
SketchUp - advanced modeling
12.04.2025 - saturday Online course
14.04.2025 - monday Online course
AutoCAD 3D
16.04.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
22.04.2025 - tuesday Bratislava
SketchUp - basics of modeling
22.04.2025 - tuesday Bratislava
22.04.2025 - tuesday Online course
Autodesk Inventor profesionál
23.04.2025 - wednesday Online course
SketchUp - advanced modeling
23.04.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Autodesk Inventor profesionál
24.04.2025 - thursday Bratislava
IT Architect, Designer in AutoCAD
28.04.2025 - monday Bratislava
AutoCAD 3D
28.04.2025 - monday Online course
28.04.2025 - monday Online course
SketchUp - V-ray visualization
28.04.2025 - monday Bratislava
28.04.2025 - monday Bratislava
SketchUp - basics of modeling
05.05.2025 - monday Bratislava
05.05.2025 - monday Bratislava
SketchUp - advanced modeling
07.05.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
SketchUp - V-ray visualization
10.05.2025 - saturday Online course
10.05.2025 - saturday Online course
IT Architect, Designer in AutoCAD
10.05.2025 - saturday Online course

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Graphics, CAD (Computer Aided Design) and DTP (DeskTop Publishing) courses

In the field of graphic program courses, we traditionally have a varied offer. From courses focused on bitmap graphics (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photo Paint and Zoner Photo Studio) through vector graphics courses - Adobe Illustrator, Corel DRAW !, further to DTP courses (Adobe InDesign, QUARK Xpress). Also sought are graphics courses in 3-dimensional space - 3D studio MAX, but also SketchUp courses - one of the most dynamic modeling and visualization tools in 3D.


CAD courses have been representing AUTOCAD courses for many years, to which Autocad 3D courses have been added in recent years. A novelty in our portfolio of CAD courses are ProgeCAD Proffessional training - top software for 2D drawing and 3D modeling for architecture, construction, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. Another interesting novelty are the courses of DraftSight - a freely distributable 2D CAD editor, which is gradually gaining the favor of users.


Special offer: course Grafik- Designer, DTP - action package!

For a special price, you will receive a training package that will help you become a professional in the field of graphics and DTP. The package includes Adobe courses - Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.


We will be happy to prepare closed training for you:

  • We will courses in graphics, DTP and CAD courses tailor-made for you
  • training in case we will organize at your place of interest
  • we also organize residential training graphics related to wellness, hiking or skiing , "why not combine the pleasant with the useful?"
  • we will adjust the term of the course to your requirements
  • take advantage of significant volume discounts for training, graphics and CAD courses

Do not hesitate to contact us on phone number: 02/55 410 308, 0948 88 40 88, 0948 88 41 88 or via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Macrosoft team is looking forward to seeing you in the comfortable premises of the training center.


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