Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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02/55 410 308
ISO 9001


Macrosoft - o nás

Something from history

Macrosoft has been organizing trainings focused on computer skills since 1996 and is thus one of the longest-running centers for IT education in Bratislava and throughout Slovakia. In our beginnings in the 90's, our training center was located in the building of the Slovak Environment Agency in Bratislava's Dúbravka.

Since 2006, we have been working at the House of Technology in Trnava Mýto. At that time, we also expanded our focus to courses for managers, business training and personality development courses.

Since 2015, the Macrosoft training center can be found in the luxurious premises of the historic building at Štefánikova 47, a short walk from the Main Station. Over more than 2 decades, thousands of clients have improved their IT, management and business skills at our training center. On the one hand, individuals who needed to gain benefits in the labor market, or employees of companies who learned a lot of things from us to increase efficiency and productivity at work. In addition to them, of course, we do not forget the graves of young people who took part in the annual summer computer camps. Many of them have grown into IT professionals in the meantime.

Emphasis on quality

The quality and uniqueness of the training is in the first place since the very beginning of the Macrosoft training center. Feedback from clients has always increased the quality of services provided and is constantly an inspiration and a new challenge for the future. The courses are focused not only on theoretical, but also on practical mastery of knowledge, skills and experience provided by the teaching team during the training. Education in Macrosoft represents a clear course given by our guaranteed curriculum or client requirements.

Playfully with us

Our lecturers are experienced professionals. They try to gain new knowledge and skills to clients in an engaging way, using a number of interesting examples.

During the training, participants, together with the lecturer, can relax during a break with a small snack or a cup of excellent coffee with a pleasant conversation with other participants and lecturers. Gain experience in solving more complicated tasks and problems that result from the focus of the course are taken on courses and on an individual basis and are a unique opportunity to find new questions, answers and solutions to specific pitfalls of the program tool.

A friendly environment during trainings and breaks is a valuable opportunity to meet new people, exchange contacts, learn a lot of new things and immediately try out the acquired knowledge on specific examples.

We open the door to success for you

A wide portfolio of trainings and courses is a guarantee that the vast majority of clients will find the right courses with us. Completion of our courses has an immediate and lasting effect. Training helps the unemployed to find a qualified job, while the employees get a better reward, whether in their original or new job. In turn, they help companies increase the efficiency of their employees and thus the productivity of work and better apply in a competitive environment.

The Macrosoft Training Center in Bratislava opens the door to success for all clients looking for education with a lasting and immediate effect!

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   ISO 9001


Školiace centrum Macrosoft je Certifikovaným Learning partnerom spoločnosti Microsoft

AUTODESk Learning Partner

Guarantee of knowledge
Possibility to repeat
a course for absolvents

Pečať finančnej stability