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Graphics, Video courses

Graphics, Video coursesCatalogue

Details for courses Graphics, Video courses will show upon clicking on course name:

  • Adobe Photoshop - Basics
    Graduates of the Adobe Photoshop - Basics course provide basic and advanced knowledge in the field of basic user control of the program. It deals in more detail with editing and using filters for effect image editing, retouching.
    > See
  • Adobe Photoshop - Advanced
    The Adobe Photoshop - Advanced course is intended for anyone who masters the basics and wants to deepen their knowledge and learn advanced Adobe Photoshop techniques. The main emphasis is placed on understanding the principles of individual advanced adjustments and practical exercises.
    > See
  • Adobe InDesign - Basics
    Participants in the Adobe InDesign - Basics course will be introduced to Adobe InDesign software, which is designed to process materials for print and the web.
    > See
  • Adobe Illustrator
    Participants in the Adobe Illustrator course will be introduced to Adobe Illustrator software, which is used to work with vector graphics.
    > See
  • Adobe InDesign - Advanced
    The Adobe InDesign - Advanced course is intended for professional use of a computer typesetting application.
    > See
  • Audio and video editing and processing in Adobe Premiere Pro
    The digital video editing course is intended for all those who want to learn how to create their own video from camera footage, whether at home, on vacation, at events or from corporate events.
    > See
  • Audio editing in Cubase
    The course is intended for everyone who wants to learn the basics of working with Cubase, editing music for songs or commercials.
    > See
  • Adobe Premiere Advanced
    The aim of the course is to explain the various features of Adobe Premiere and use it at a higher level, thus improving the quality of video processing.
    > See
  • Adobe After Effects
    The Adobe After Effects course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to work with After Effects software, its sophisticated tools for creating visual effects, and motion graphics.
    > See
    Graduates of the ADOBE AUDITION course will be able to work with sound for further use, for example in Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas and Sony DVD Architect. Understand digitization - converting sound into digital form and adjusting the soundtrack to the desired result.
    > See
  • Computer graphics
    The computer graphics course is intended for all those who want to learn to work in the graphical environment A. Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator and then apply as a computer graphic designer in the commercial field. Only the beginning of the course is listed in the term, we will inform you about other dates.
    > See

Upcoming courses - guaranteed dates:

Adobe InDesign - Basics
02.04.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Audio editing in Cubase
15.05.2025 - thursday Bratislava
Computer graphics
16.06.2025 - monday Bratislava

Other listed dates in the following weeks:

Adobe Photoshop - Basics
15.03.2025 - saturday Online course
Adobe After Effects
15.03.2025 - saturday Online course
Computer graphics
17.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
Adobe After Effects
17.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
Adobe InDesign - Basics
22.03.2025 - saturday Online course
Adobe Photoshop - Basics
24.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
Adobe InDesign - Basics
26.03.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Adobe Illustrator
29.03.2025 - saturday Online course
Adobe After Effects
31.03.2025 - monday Bratislava
Adobe Illustrator
09.04.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Adobe Photoshop - Basics
14.04.2025 - monday Online course
Computer graphics
17.04.2025 - thursday Bratislava
Adobe InDesign - Basics
22.04.2025 - tuesday Online course
Adobe Photoshop - Basics
22.04.2025 - tuesday Bratislava
Adobe InDesign - Basics
23.04.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Adobe After Effects
28.04.2025 - monday Bratislava
Adobe Illustrator
28.04.2025 - monday Online course
Adobe Illustrator
07.05.2025 - wednesday Bratislava
Adobe After Effects
10.05.2025 - saturday Online course
Computer graphics
10.05.2025 - saturday Online course
Adobe Photoshop - Basics
10.05.2025 - saturday Online course

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