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Java, Python courses

Java, Python coursesCatalogue

Details for courses Java, Python courses will show upon clicking on course name:

  • JAVA Programmer
    The JAVA programmer retraining course is intended for programmers who want to apply in the labor market in order to increase their qualifications and apply for the position of Java Programmer. Course participants will go step by step through programming in the Java environment and the NetBeans development environment. They will gain knowledge and skills adequate for creating applications in Java and will learn to write more complicated programs that will implement some network or database mechanisms. This is a package of courses: Java Basics Course I., Java Basics Course II, Java Advanced Programming Course. The day of the beginning of the first course is given, we will inform you about the next dates.
    > See
  • Python Programmer
    The Python Programmer course is intended for everyone who wants to learn the modern Python programming language. Python is an ideal programming language even for complete beginners. The syllabus and program of the course are compiled so that the graduates of the course can find employment in the labor market. After completing the course, you will receive a Certificate from us.
    > See
  • Python programming - basics
    The Python programming - basics course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the basics of the modern Python programming language. Python is an ideal programming language for beginners.
    > See
  • Python practical programming with libraries
    The Python Practical Programming with Libraries course is intended for programmers who are familiar with Python and want to expand their knowledge of working with Python libraries. The course works with the PyCharm development environment.
    > See
  • Python programming for advanced
    The Python Programming for Advanced course is intended for anyone who knows the basics of Python and wants to expand their knowledge with more advanced techniques.
    > See
  • Java I. - Basics of Language
    In the Java I. - Basics of Language course, you will learn the basics of the Java programming language, the Java programming environment, and the NetBeans development environment. You will use the knowledge and skills acquired in this course to create simple applications in Java.
    > See
  • Java II - Basics of Language
    Participants of the course Java II. - Basics of Language will build on the basic knowledge acquired from the basic course and extend it with more advanced programming procedures.
    > See
  • Java - advanced programming
    The Java Advanced Programming course is intended for programmers who have a basic knowledge of Java and want to extend that knowledge to more advanced techniques. At the end, the graduate should be able to write more complicated programs that will implement some network or database mechanisms.
    > See
  • JasperReports
    The course is intended for programmers who want to learn how to create reports using JasperReports in Java.
    > See
  • Java XML and JSON
    The Java XML and JSON course is focused on working with XML and JSON data in Java. Students will learn to work with XML and JSON in Java using a number of practical examples. The course presupposes a good knowledge of the basics of Java.
    > See
  • JavaMail
    The JavaMail course is focused on the use of an interface for working with e-mail communication on the Java language platform.
    > See

Upcoming courses - guaranteed dates:

Java XML and JSON
22.08.2024 - thursday Bratislava

Other listed dates in the following weeks:

Python Programmer
29.07.2024 - monday Bratislava
Python programming - basics
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Python Programmer
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Python programming for advanced
10.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Python programming - basics
26.08.2024 - monday Bratislava
Python Programmer
26.08.2024 - monday Bratislava
Python programming for advanced
28.08.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
Python programming - basics
02.09.2024 - monday Online course
Python Programmer
02.09.2024 - monday Bratislava
Java XML and JSON
09.09.2024 - monday Bratislava
Python programming for advanced
09.09.2024 - monday Online course
18.09.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
20.09.2024 - friday Bratislava

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