Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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02/55 410 308
ISO 9001

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PC Basics

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    Order in-house training and save costs:

      • Volume and volume discounts
      • Training content is tailored to your business needs
      • Reduce travel costs
      • Flexible deadline handling


    Our lecturers are people who, in addition to academic knowledge, also have many years of real experience directly from practice. We offer a wide selection of courses according to your requirements.


    Non-standard corporate training

    Macrosoft s.r.o. It offers you the possibility of non-standard training associated with active recreation. Organize a conference, training , meeting in a pleasant environment associated with a stay in the Tatras. We offer a wide selection of accommodation facilities in which we can organize training. To prepare a specific offer and offer of accommodation facilities, contact: 02/55 410 308, 0948 80 40 80, 0948 80 41 80 or by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    The Macrosoft team is looking forward to working with you.


       ISO 9001


    Školiace centrum Macrosoft je Certifikovaným Learning partnerom spoločnosti Microsoft

    AUTODESk Learning Partner

    Video z kurzu

    Guarantee of knowledge
    Possibility to repeat
    a course for absolvents

    Pečať finančnej stability