Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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02/55 410 308
ISO 9001 ISO 20000 ISO 27001

ONLINE courses

Social responsibility is our priority, along with educating people. Now you can participate in all our courses ONLINE and with 25% discount. So you are able to take them from the comfort of your home and all you need is an internet connection and a computer with the program you are interested in.

How do I sign in?

Your interest is a great first step. You can sign up for appointments by clicking on the checkbox "To attend ONLINE". The methods of payment will not change, but the price is 25% lower than the ordinary course.

How will it work?

Once paid, you will receive an email with the exact procedure. The procedure is simple, just click on the link you will have in your email and it will take you to the right page. An instructor will be ready to broadcast the training live, and you can work on the assignments that he will explain. On the same page, you can also ask questions either in the chat window or directly over the call (if you have a microphone, most laptops have one).

What are the differences from traditional training?

The coffee, which we are so happy to prepare for you in our training facility, will be unavailable at your home, but everything else will retain its quality. We make sure that the term, whether online or physical, is adequately filled. Thus, you can count on the number of people equal to a very small class, and thus there is room to address individual issues. The instructors are still the same, certified professionals with years of experience.

The main difference is clear, you don't have to attend the training physically, all you need is internet access and a computer with a program where you are going to train. The time of online training is slightly longer compared to the classic one. This is in particular to create a reserve to address potential technical issues.

I'm not sure I can do it technically.

There's no reason to feel that way. We will ensure that we first try everything technical in advance, so that everything "fits" as it should at the very date of the training. If you have any questions, please contact us.



   ISO 9001

   ISO 20000

   ISO 27001

Školiace centrum Macrosoft je Certifikovaným Learning partnerom spoločnosti Microsoft

AUTODESk Learning Partner

Guarantee of knowledge
Possibility to repeat
a course for absolvents

Pečať finančnej stability